As I reflect over last year’s Thanksgiving and holiday season, there is so much to be thankful for! In the hustle and bustle of travel and multiple trips to the grocery store (or deliveries to our door!) it is easy to forget to stop and reflect.

However, it is in this process that we invite God to speak into our lives and circumstances.

Our family has experienced some significant transitions, illnesses, moves and job changes. There have been highs and lows – and we bring it all to God and reflect on His presence in it all.

Otherwise, it is easy to miss it – and isn’t this what Thanksgiving is about?

So, I am praying for you as you read this, that you will make space for a few quiet moments to listen to God, reflect and speak back His goodness that rises up. No matter how large or small your thanksgiving table is this week, lead out in a conversation about God’s blessings in your family – even if there were some hard circumstances along the way. When we stop and reflect – His goodness will surface in our hearts and we can give thanks.