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Bridge at Sunset

Spiritual Direction –

Connect with God on a deeper level.

Spiritual Direction is the opportunity to meet with a trained spiritual director and spend an hour in quiet prayer and conversation, asking the Holy Spirit to guide and speak into the directee’s current spiritual journey – a noticing of God’s presence in the circumstances. It is a confidential place to seek, question, confess, lament and affirm one’s spiritual walk with God.

Sessions are usually one hour once or twice a month. Can be in person or virtual. For more information, contact Joy at

Please Note:

Spiritual direction differs from counseling ministries primarily in its focus: the intention in spiritual direction is not to help solve a problem, but rather to look for God’s activity within any problems and within the rest of the person’s life experience.

This perspective invites you into deeper relationship with God in the midst of whatever you are experiencing. Spiritual direction is designed to compliment rather than compete with (these) other vital ministries within the Body of Christ. –

Joy in prayer